Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Well it was a great season for the Twins. Yeah, it stinks we lost the tiebreaker by One mistake. Blackburn definitely pitched his heart out last night, and our bats just weren't there.

However, it is just as easy to look at the last 20 games, even 40 and see how they just couldn't get it done. Whether it was the bullpen collapse, or Morneausy's struggles at the plate his last 41 at bats.
Either way remember the pre-season rankings and expectations. We had thrown away our season for re-building, and traded away our only hope. Plain and simple, we weren't supposed to be a contender, more or less near the top of the division. I say job well done boys, and I thank you for an entertaining season.

AL Batting Champ: Joe Mauer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. You are right on the money. The TWINS had a great season. And they had their chances. Morneau picked a bad time to go into a slump... maybe he got tired. Another batting crown for Mauer. Great pitching, the future looks bright!

Oh by the way, I like your blogs.