Thursday, September 18, 2008

Obama vs. McCain let's get it on!!!

I am giving the blogging thing a shot. It seems there are so many people excited and interested in politics this year compared to in the past. I am also curious to hear from friends and family members if they wish to get involved.

There are several different reasons for this of course, whether it be the historical aspects of this years election, Economic hardships and unemployment rates soaring, people for and against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and possibly Pakistan now.

No matter what the reason is, it's great! Everyone should be involved, use their rights to vote, and make a critical decision in this year's election of our next President of the United States.

However, it must be said that it is, as it always has been, politics as usual. Attack ads are everywhere, but worst of all the trend, of false claims, by both major candidates are growing more frequent. You have the right to vote, however it should also be your duty to be an "Informed" voter as well.

Seek the facts before making a decision. Please. I already know who I am voting for and it would take an AWFUL lot for me to change my vote now. I have been diligent on finding truths, and falsehoods of every speech and ad that BOTH candidates are presenting to the American public.

Many of us may not have as much time to do this each and every day. So my goal is to try and make it easier for anyone to look up this information. There are great third independent research groups who created websites to help differentiate fact from fiction.

Obviously, I've been interested in politics long enough to know that the Republicans will always use their coin phrases " They'll raise your taxes, support Big Government, Weaken our national Security" and the Dems will say " Republicans don't worry about the Middle Class, love giving tax breaks to the rich and big oil, There are so many programs we can create and utilize to help America grow and succeed."

These are a given. However this year has been a little different in the amount of blatant false claims, especially by the McCain Campaign. It makes myself, and hopefully many voters upset, and irritated.

On one hand he is claiming Obama is all talk (Rhetoric) and no details. However lately, it's been just the opposite. Obama has laid out detailed plans concerning the economy, education and health care "Reform". While McCain has shot barbs, an lies about Obama and simply stolen his opponents campaign slogan while throwing in the terms " Maverick and reform" to distract voters to believing he is a candidate of change. While no specific detailed plans have been specifically mentioned in his stump speeches.

He'll reform wall street by fighting corporate greed and fraud. How?

How will tax cuts to the top 5% and Corporations help the economy? It obviously hasn't created new jobs or worked well the past 8 years, or even in the Reagan and Bush I administrations?

Will you change your much touted stance as " De-regulator" and mandate regulate the financial and wall street markets, or is this just an amended viewpoint due to the current circumstances?

How can you say that someone who is going to cut taxes for 85 percent of Americans and 90 percent of American families, is going to raise taxes each and every day? What are you going to do for myself and the average American that is better than Obama's plan?

Just a few questions I'd like to have answered by the Republican ticket, or supporters. Preferably not Sarah Palin, because I know here answer will be a memorized note card response.

That's it for now. I will post a separate link to the fact checking and political information websites, and I encourage everyone to check them out.

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