Monday, September 29, 2008

Damn Republicans

How and the hell can they reject the house vote by more than 2/3rds, and then turn around and blame the Democrats???? What the heck is going on here? Are they leaving the door open for their Maverick McCain to give the "Working until the crisis is resolved" another chance? Think about it, now McCain can magically swoop in again for the next vote and miraculously get the house Publicans to vote Yay. He's a brillianty politician, and can really work across party lines.

I am so pissed at all of the politics of this fiasco, but in all honesty, it is clearly the Republicans at fault here. They are playing games, with all of our livelihoods, and by saying they are worried about the taxpayers first. SERIOUSLY, It's bullshit!

They were claiming their feelings were hurt by Nancy Pelosi's "Partisan" comments. Give me a break, grow up and stop screwing the average citizen. Look at the vote, and you'll see they clearly only care about their current positions, don't want to get voted out, and definitely don't want to be tied to the President. That's the Dems job I guess....

Anyone who believes this garbage as being a Democratic failure is nuts, needs to look at the facts and stop buying the BS.


Anonymous said...

I don't know how it's clearly the fault of republicans. 95 democrats voted no while 65 republicans voted yes. If you look at how they voted, you'll see that it really wasn't down party lines at all. In fact, two of our five house democrats from our lovely state of Minnesota voted no. Also taking into account that the democrats have control of the house, it leads me to believe that perhaps its just a bad bill. But that's just my opinion.

Chris said...

I agree that the Bill sucks ass,but after the revisions, it's a little, and I mean, little bit better than the original. Yes enough Democrats did vote nay to reject it.

The bailout is too little too late, however it needs to get passed and soon.

I think the problem is "Main Street" is hearing from a President no-one trusts, even his own party, that the situation is dire. So we need 700 Billion.

Another problem is it's constantly referred to as a bailout, which it is, however most Americans are assuming that all we are doing is giving tax payer dollars to corporations and CEO's mistakes.
That's true, but it will definitely impact us more than the average Joe knows. Credit is everything, and it impacts (Home loans, Auto/Home refinancing, 401K'S, Even Company payrolls use it to pay their employess) and that is getting hammered and worsening by the day. After yesterday the markets plummeted even more, and now it's look like each and every hour matters.
Congress fought for days on revising the bills to make "Both" sides reasonably happy enough to vote yes on it. Boehner, the main House Publican against the bill, said he would vote for it, and he did. So what happened? The publicans said they got their feelings hurt. Plain and simple.

Congress as a whole failed America, however I still think it's insane to say the Democrats should vote completely for it and allow the Republicans to remain the "Good Guys" to the tax payer. Obviously this is political for the Dems, as was the Republican nay vote.
It makes me sick to my stomach. I say let's run for congress!