Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Final Debate (Live?)

We are finally less than 3 weeks away from election night. Thank God! Anyhow, pretty much ever poll is showing Obama pulling away, and this debate could be a very decisive moment for the McCain campaigns hope of reaching the White House.

Fraud, deception, use of power, economic crisis, character will all be put to the test tonight. McCain's only hope is to rattle Obama with character attacks, and if Obama can retort with some of his own against McCain, and maintain composure by focusing on the issues, it will take an awful lot in the next 3 weeks to lose.

Anything is possible however, and thank goodness you need a license or recent bill to be able to vote, or else this Acorn issue could be much more devestating to the entire election.

If you happen to read this and want to join in a live blog conversation during the debate, I will be online as well. Thanks to all who read this and I hope it amuses most of you :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fire Childress, please!!!!

Yeah so I know that maybe 2 people read this blog so far. That's fine, but "I'm mad. I'm really mad! And guess what? It's not abou the economy!"- Some old dude from Wisconsin at a McCain rally

I think it is high time for Childress to take a hike from Minnesota. Our team was expected to be 13-3 and true, we didn't start with a Quarterack, but the only way we are scoring at all is with large exciting plays or defense. Our red zone opportunities are there, but we never get in the freaking endzone.

Teams know we have a safe and lame ass offense so they are crowding the box, limiting Peterson and relying on Childress offensive scheme to try a couple of deep balls a game.

We are winning, but why and how is an embarssment. We stole the last game from Detroit, the sworst team in the league, with a back-up quarterback, and we needed a couple of horrible calls in our favor to win.

Not to mention in back to back weeks now we've had coaching mistakes, and major ones. The only reason they are getting overlooked is because we won 2 of our last 3 games.

Tennesee we are losing, it's 4th and something, zero timeouts and under 2 minutes in the game. What's Childress do? Punts the freaking ball!!!! What the hell? In the press conference following the game, he says " Uhhh, the way our defense was playing I thought we had a good chance of getting the ball back."

Last weeks game, 3rd quarter we are down by 8 the score is 10 to 2. We score on a Berrian long play, the only time we were close to scoring before All Days rare fumbles. Childress without hesitation decides to kick the extra point rather than tie the game by going for 2.

Again what the hell? " At the time, my sheet said to go for 2 but in this moment we just wanted to get points on the board."

If we didn't get the Pass interference play at the end of the game, Vikes lose by 1 point.

Guess what Vikings fans, we all know it, but we have an absolute moron for a coach, who has absolutely no faith in his team or quarterbacks, just look at his lame ass attempts of plays. We need a change, and lets trade up or do what it takes to get a real Quarterback in here. Someone needs to light a fire under our offensive lines ass too, and get Adrian in the open, and defense some rest. It's truly our only hope.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A few good links concerning the latest McCain/Hannity strategy,0,7888678.story


Believe it or not, I'm not talking about my wife being pregnant :) No I am talking about the political campaign. The attack ads were expected,but it seems they are hitting an all time low. A last ditch attempt by the McCain campaign to focus on Obama's connections both big and small. Be Afraid America, this man can't be trusted. He's worked with a terrorist from the 60's, his pastor is a racist extremist, he was a large receiver of funds from the giants Fannie Mae and Freddie.

Never mind McCain, and Palin's shady dealings and connections by the way. McCain's campaign manager was treated pretty well by Fannie himself. What about the mysterious Palin probe which was bi-partisan, to suddenly very liberal biased and unfair as soon as she was nominated? That doesn't matter I guess.

The facts are this Ayers is/was a loon. Obama made a mistake by both developing his young political career and aspirations to help communities in Chicago by working with him. I admit that. However Ayers was named Man of the Year in Chicago in 1995. No one complained about his ideas and efforts to raise millions of dollars for great and needy causes because he was a "Terrorist".

How about McCain's ties to shady pastors. His Keating scandal, and there is more. It just seems sad to me that the campaigns have come to this. Obama has to dig up dirt to retaliate, and it's clearly McCain's only hope. His manager even said we need to "Turn the page" on the economic crisis and divert Americans attention.

Don't be fooled. Obama does have plenty of skeletons in his closet. Guess what! So does McCain, and likely every other freaking politician. The issue is who has the best game plan and vision of where the country should be changed and going.

This election isn't about who's more patriotic, who you can "Trust" more, or character. What about McCain's character and choice for choosing Palin for VP. She has done her job of rallying the base, but their original intentions were to clearly get women votes, and the " Joe Six-Pack" vote. Whoever the hell that is. She is extreme, she wants to utilize her VP Power, overturn Roe v. Wade, not to mention her lack of experience. We need a leader, not a "Maverick with zingy one-liners. Someone other leaders of the world can take seriously. Can you imagine her trying to persuade Russia to stop using force over someone like Biden? Give me a break.

I am simply trying to follow the issues, the candidates stances, and decipher the facts in all the bull-shit mud slinging by both candidates. Ultimately, for me it comes down to the issues, and which candidate has similar views and vision as I do. That man is Barack Obama.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

News Flash McCains Health Care Plan Is A Joke!

I'm probably one of the very select few who actually looked into the actual/ factual differences between Obama's and McCain's health plans, but if any of you haven't you should read this article from this weeks issue of Newsweek.
It explains how McCains plan looks and sounds good on paper. Who wouldn't want a credit for health care? However, as Biden pointed out there are severe backlashes and concerns as well. Some aren't even covered in this article. McCain actually would be taxing us under his plan, and feeding the insurance companies as well.
My wife and I are very lucky to have some of the best health care in the US thanks to my job, however for knowing those who have had either bare bones insurance, or tried to find a plan individually, or with a pre-existing condition, it is near impossible or EXTREMELY expensive.
McCain's plan works for many, but not the majority, and it really wouldn't benefit myself, and many others from their current situations.
Please stay informed, read it, and consider this Health Care is important and although the economy sucks right now, we can't lose focus on the two other very deficient and important issues of Health Care and Education.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Both Candidates did well, but who fudged the truth??

Well as those of you who saw the debate last night know, both Candidates did very well. Palin exceeded very low expectations, and Biden did better than expected.

Who won all depends on who or what you are looking for as a VP. Is it someone you connect with on many levels? Or is it someone who seems to have an idea of what is going on with the issues and with experience in Washington?

That was the essence of the debate last night. Palin avoiding direct answers, and Biden answering them so well, he may have bored some of the audience?!

Anyhow, needless to say they both made some great arguments, but as ususal, how many of them are factual??? Let's check it out and STAY INFORMED!!!

This is amazingly accurate!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Great Debate!!

I am hoping many of you can watch or listen to most of the deabte tonight. I am excited to see it, however, I know it will have some dissapointments. Palin wioll likely play it relatively safe by simply attacking Obama, and I'm sure Biden will do the same.
We can only hope for some good barbs at each other every once in a while :)

Curious to know thoughts and opinions on the debate, who is winning, or won? Will it help either candidate momentum wise.

Let's hear what you all think!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hannity, and the latest Republican attempt to spoil the debate.

WOW! Here is the latest zinger from the talk show hosts, like the idiot to my right here (Sean Vanity).
They are actually complaining that the moderator of tomorrow's huge VP debate (Gwen Ifill) is biased, and shouldn't be allowed to moderate. "
She is currently writing a book due for release in Jan 09, "Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama" which was announce several months ago by the way, why did it take so long to make a stink? The book isn't solely about Obama by the way...
for more see article
"Another sign that the media, as of 2008, is dead in America"-Hannity
Now maybe, I am a little confused, but isn't a moderator, just that "A moderator"?
Do they ask different questions to each individual candidate? I know they write the questions, but they typically aren't terribly biased from my experience of listening to debates.
If they are, than I am highly mistaken, but if I remember right, she has done several other debates, including the most recent VP (2004 Cheney and Edwards) in her past so she is clearly qualified, and from the other debates I've seen over the years, it's pretty tough to ask a biased question.
I think this is simply a lame ass attempt at postponing the debates, or simply leaving a window for covering the Gaffes, and mistakes Palin makes with a "Obamamania, liberal Elite Media, and the latest "Gotcha" politics" band-Aid. Like Katie Couric is a horribly biased media person.
Yes, I know Biden is the dictionary's definition of a gaffe machine, but the dems aren't making excuses for him are they?
Oh yeah, and isn't Tom Brokaw (The next debate mediator) a self-proclaimed, and well known Republican? Hmmm, should the dems make a stink too, plus it's a more important debate, since it is presidential, that's not really fair either now is it? :(


Well it was a great season for the Twins. Yeah, it stinks we lost the tiebreaker by One mistake. Blackburn definitely pitched his heart out last night, and our bats just weren't there.

However, it is just as easy to look at the last 20 games, even 40 and see how they just couldn't get it done. Whether it was the bullpen collapse, or Morneausy's struggles at the plate his last 41 at bats.
Either way remember the pre-season rankings and expectations. We had thrown away our season for re-building, and traded away our only hope. Plain and simple, we weren't supposed to be a contender, more or less near the top of the division. I say job well done boys, and I thank you for an entertaining season.

AL Batting Champ: Joe Mauer