Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hannity, and the latest Republican attempt to spoil the debate.

WOW! Here is the latest zinger from the talk show hosts, like the idiot to my right here (Sean Vanity).
They are actually complaining that the moderator of tomorrow's huge VP debate (Gwen Ifill) is biased, and shouldn't be allowed to moderate. "
She is currently writing a book due for release in Jan 09, "Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama" which was announce several months ago by the way, why did it take so long to make a stink? The book isn't solely about Obama by the way...
for more see article
"Another sign that the media, as of 2008, is dead in America"-Hannity
Now maybe, I am a little confused, but isn't a moderator, just that "A moderator"?
Do they ask different questions to each individual candidate? I know they write the questions, but they typically aren't terribly biased from my experience of listening to debates.
If they are, than I am highly mistaken, but if I remember right, she has done several other debates, including the most recent VP (2004 Cheney and Edwards) in her past so she is clearly qualified, and from the other debates I've seen over the years, it's pretty tough to ask a biased question.
I think this is simply a lame ass attempt at postponing the debates, or simply leaving a window for covering the Gaffes, and mistakes Palin makes with a "Obamamania, liberal Elite Media, and the latest "Gotcha" politics" band-Aid. Like Katie Couric is a horribly biased media person.
Yes, I know Biden is the dictionary's definition of a gaffe machine, but the dems aren't making excuses for him are they?
Oh yeah, and isn't Tom Brokaw (The next debate mediator) a self-proclaimed, and well known Republican? Hmmm, should the dems make a stink too, plus it's a more important debate, since it is presidential, that's not really fair either now is it? :(

1 comment:

Chris said...

I think it was painfully clear Ifull did a fabulous bi-partisan job moderating tonight. Screw off Hannity.