Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Great Debate!!

I am hoping many of you can watch or listen to most of the deabte tonight. I am excited to see it, however, I know it will have some dissapointments. Palin wioll likely play it relatively safe by simply attacking Obama, and I'm sure Biden will do the same.
We can only hope for some good barbs at each other every once in a while :)

Curious to know thoughts and opinions on the debate, who is winning, or won? Will it help either candidate momentum wise.

Let's hear what you all think!


Chris said...

How many times will seh say the words "Reform and Maverick" tonight?
My guess 20 times each.

Chris said...

Well I think after tonight it is painfully clear that Sarah Palin is great at memorizing " Favorable comments" with absolutely no meat or solidified answers.
I'm sure everyone who watched the debate who is an Obama supporter will realize this clearly, Republicans of course will not.
However, The key are the undecided/ Independent voters in America. They are the toughest to please, the citizens who need solutions, answers, and honesty.
Biden gave them that clearly. Palin gave " A survived the debate, and I'll say what you wanna hear." however I will give no clear examples of how a McCain/Palin ticket will do jsut this.
Experience, quick thinking vs. Empty rhetoric full of B.S.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Biden was prepared, answered the questions, had facts, had a plan. He even got a few jabs in regarding his opponents calling themselves Mavericks. Palin did not always answer the question, diverted them instead and was full of a lot of RHETORIC! I thought it was nice that neither of them used the words "conservative" or "liberal" as if they were bad words.
As a struggling member of the middle class I liked what Biden had to say about taxing more equitably and taxing incomes greater than $250,000 more than now or at least eliminating their tax breaks. He also pointed out that 95% of business owners make less than 250,000 so they would not be over taxed.
I enjoyed the debate. I don't think Palin embarrassed herself and I my opinion of her has improved but I think Biden did very, very well.

Keith H.