Thursday, October 9, 2008


Believe it or not, I'm not talking about my wife being pregnant :) No I am talking about the political campaign. The attack ads were expected,but it seems they are hitting an all time low. A last ditch attempt by the McCain campaign to focus on Obama's connections both big and small. Be Afraid America, this man can't be trusted. He's worked with a terrorist from the 60's, his pastor is a racist extremist, he was a large receiver of funds from the giants Fannie Mae and Freddie.

Never mind McCain, and Palin's shady dealings and connections by the way. McCain's campaign manager was treated pretty well by Fannie himself. What about the mysterious Palin probe which was bi-partisan, to suddenly very liberal biased and unfair as soon as she was nominated? That doesn't matter I guess.

The facts are this Ayers is/was a loon. Obama made a mistake by both developing his young political career and aspirations to help communities in Chicago by working with him. I admit that. However Ayers was named Man of the Year in Chicago in 1995. No one complained about his ideas and efforts to raise millions of dollars for great and needy causes because he was a "Terrorist".

How about McCain's ties to shady pastors. His Keating scandal, and there is more. It just seems sad to me that the campaigns have come to this. Obama has to dig up dirt to retaliate, and it's clearly McCain's only hope. His manager even said we need to "Turn the page" on the economic crisis and divert Americans attention.

Don't be fooled. Obama does have plenty of skeletons in his closet. Guess what! So does McCain, and likely every other freaking politician. The issue is who has the best game plan and vision of where the country should be changed and going.

This election isn't about who's more patriotic, who you can "Trust" more, or character. What about McCain's character and choice for choosing Palin for VP. She has done her job of rallying the base, but their original intentions were to clearly get women votes, and the " Joe Six-Pack" vote. Whoever the hell that is. She is extreme, she wants to utilize her VP Power, overturn Roe v. Wade, not to mention her lack of experience. We need a leader, not a "Maverick with zingy one-liners. Someone other leaders of the world can take seriously. Can you imagine her trying to persuade Russia to stop using force over someone like Biden? Give me a break.

I am simply trying to follow the issues, the candidates stances, and decipher the facts in all the bull-shit mud slinging by both candidates. Ultimately, for me it comes down to the issues, and which candidate has similar views and vision as I do. That man is Barack Obama.

1 comment:

Chris said...

You want proof that McCain and Palin have some dirty laundry they ar hiding too?
Look into these names and associates
-Gordon Liddy
-Charlie Condon
-Annenberg (Supported Ayers and Obama's group. Also was friend of Nixon and Reagan hmmm.)
- Palin's pastor is a little extreme too
- Palin's husband is an AIP member. That's a little radical too, don't you think?