Monday, November 17, 2008

The Historic Anderson House in Wabasha, MN

Here is an email I sent to the Anderson house after my wife Amy and I visit this weekend. We had a decent enough stay but it finished on a rather sour note.
I'd recommend it only for those who don't have certificates, and aren't younger than 50.

I have a recommendation for future customer service.

1. If you are going to be utilizing gift certificates, you should make sure they are labeled correctly ( i.e.; You can only use 1-$20 certificate per visit) on the actual certificate.
Can you imagine if Target had a guest go through the checkout lane with a 220 dollar gift card and be told they could only use $160 of it. And for some strange reason that was doing them a favor because they should've only been able to use 20 of it.
Since when are gift certificates not treated the same as cash, but more like food stamps or their owners be treated like "Free-Loaders"?

2. If you are concerned about losing money treat all guests and customers equally. Being labeled as " The ones with the certificates" our entire stay was rude and completely unfair" We actually had a host "assist" the wait staff by filling water during dinner at every table except for ours. Unbelievable! Our tips to the wait staff were just as fair as every other dinner table I am sure.

3. I am spreading the word abut our visit which was completely ruined because of this experience. My wife and I were given these certificates as a gift for our anniversary and a final get away before our first baby is born. My mother was awarded the certificates through a radio station, and our grandmother actually "Purchased" more certificates for us to use out of her pocket with real money.
It is absolutely insane we were unable to use them.

4. Although the food was great, the service was slow, and it's not the fault of the waiters ( Only one of them) we would have went elsewhere had we known we would end up having to pay for our meals we thought would be covered with the certificates.

Overall a disappointing experience, and I hope you either eliminate your "Gift Certificates" all together or include on them the following message

- Congratulations this $20 certificate is all you can use during this visit. If you happen to have more you will need to utilize them within 90 days. For example you win 8 of them, so you will need to visit us 8 times in a 90 day period.
- Be prepared to be treated like crap. Since you are not an elderly and sophisticated guest, but one utilizing this gift you will be treated rudely and differently.
- You will not be told that your stay will not be covered although it should be until you check out.

- Finally enjoy your stay!


Amy said...

he isnt kidding! all of this happened to us :(

The Johnsons said...

This is horrible. You guys should post a review on as well. I would also email or call the radio station that gave away the certificates.

Anonymous said...

What in the world? I have never heard of such crazy rules to gift certificates! Have they responded to you? It will be intresting to hear what they say!

Heidi said...

Hi, I knew Amy in high school and found your blogs through facebook. (Hi Amy! from Heidi Gehrman). Just wanted to quickly say congrats on the upcoming birth of your first baby! And also, I can't believe this story about the Anderson House. I will definitely spread the word and I agree with other commenters that you should contact the radio station and post a review on trip advisor. That's really awful.