Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Well it's finally over, and history has been made. America voted overwhelmingly for a man who had a clear cut plan, well defined policies, and a smooth and perfectly capable demeanor throughout his entire campaign.
His opponent McCain, who is someone I highly respected in 2000, switched not only his views several times, but was simply running a very nasty campaign. His Vice presidential choice was highly touted for a few weeks, but soon it opened up peoples eyes that this great speech giver was simply that, and only that, someone who could give a great speech.
Unlike Obama, she had no ability to directly answer questions, and openly discuss topics that weren't planned with the media (for example you can count her interviews with major media on one hand throughout the entire campaign). This was not very assuring to the American voter this year.
Anyhow I am filled with excitement for the years to come, and all the change Obama promised may not be recognized immediately, however, he clearly has enabled an overwhelming feeling of strength and power to the everyday American that we can do things. We can make an impact, and it doesn't simply take wealth and power to succeed.
Amy and I are expecting a baby soon, and I am more confident than ever,that we will be able to raise her, and that we may finally have a government who supports the " Average" American.
Thanks for voting if you did, no matter who you voted for!


Amy said...

yay Obama...as one of my kindergartners said when asked if she knew who Obama was..."he is the man everyone wants to win!" Maybe not everyone wanted him to win, but we sure did and are very happy for him and his family and excited to see where America goes from here! WAHOO!!! For the first time someone I really wanted to win, won!

Chris said...

Some interesting Palin commentary by my favorite Campbell Brown:

(CNN) -- Whatever you may have thought about John McCain's running mate -- about whether she was qualified, prepared or experienced enough for the job -- try to put all of that aside for just a moment, because Sarah Palin is who she is.

She did not become measurably more intelligent or measurably less intelligent during this campaign. Remember, she was only part of the campaign for a matter of nine weeks.

Sarah Palin is who she is, which is why I find it so stunning that the very people who introduced us to her, who told us she would make a great vice president, have now turned on her with a vengeance.

They are the top advisers to John McCain's failed campaign and they are desperate to find someone to blame for their long, long list of mistakes. They have been launching grenades at Palin and her supporters. CNN has found some of their allegations to be patently false.

You will hear people say, "This is what always happens with a losing campaign," and hopefully, this is the last time we will be talking about these people. But what they have done just in the last few days to save their own skins is worth a final comment.

To those top McCain advisers who leaked the little story about seeing Sarah Palin in a towel; to those who called her and her family "Wasilla hillbillies" while using her to stoke class warfare with red meat speeches and an anti-elitist message; to those who claim she didn't know Africa was a continent; to those McCain aides who say she is the reason they lost this election: Can I please remind you of one thing? You picked her.

Don't Miss
Brown: Waiting in voting line a small price
In Depth: Commentaries
Campbell Brown: No Bias, No Bull
You are the ones who supposedly vetted her, and then told the American people she was qualified for the job. You are the ones who, after meeting her a couple of times, told us she was ready to be just one heartbeat away from the presidency.

If even half of what you say now is true, then boy, did you try to sell the American people a bill of goods. If Sarah Palin is the reason some voters chose Barack Obama, that is no one's fault but your own.

John McCain, as he so graciously said himself the other night, lost this election. He lost it with your help, your advice, your guidance, and yes, your running mate recommendations. And that is crystal clear to everyone, no matter how hard you try to blame Sarah Palin or anyone else.