Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What are your top 5 TV shows?

I am not considering all time in my list, however feel free to do so. I feel strange not including Seinfeld on the list, but it's definitely my #1 all-time show.

1. Lost
2. House
3. The Office
4. Mad Men
5. Heroes/CSI ( I know a tie is lame, but Heroes has been a regular, but going down hill, while we fell behind CSI and have missed 2 seasons now, but know it's still very good.)

What are your favorites? Feel free to post them.


Johnny Neitzel said...

no "The Shield"???

you've lost all credibility Meyers

Chris said...

Unfortunately that show is one I have on my " To Watch" list along with finishing Rome, and the Sopranos. No HBO or cable so Mainstream is all I got right now :(