Thursday, January 22, 2009

Not much new with me I guess. That screaming twerp is still around, so I'm starting to think she isn't going anywhere. She is also quickly gaining some size, and is probably bigger than I am now. Although, once again my owners feel the need to hold her for every whimper and make me do all the work for attention.

Ok here's a question to all of you humans. How would you like it if after you take a bath I would come up and roll all over you? I will let you know when I am "In the mood", and touching me with your grubby hands after, or even during one of my many baths is not appreciated.

On a more positive note, I have been getting more and more attention and visitors. I'm not sure if it's because of my blog, or if it's me forcing myself upon them. Either way I'll take it.

I haven't seen the "Guy with the green hat" in quite a while. Last time I saw him he was actually pretty cool. He didn't rub me so hard my bones hurt either so maybe he's learning.

Any advice on how to "Take Care" of daddy please let me know. I've now tried those annoying toy balls at the base of the steps or in their main walkways, but he just kicks them around.

A meow for everyone and the new President. Hey Obama, why don't you get a cat buddy?


Lisa said...

Hi Lancey-
This is your cousin Libby... we haven't met, because I would probably try to eat you, but I just wanted to say that I feel your pain about the whole screaming twerp thing. We have the same problem at our house. Except now he doesn't scream as much, but he still takes up a lot of mom and dad's attention. The good thing is that he started eating in this special chair and he throws treats at us a lot. So that's cool... I keep trying to get him to play fetch with me, but he just wants to grab my ears.

Melissa Lynn Potts Long said...

hey lancey - sorry i can't come over and play with you but i am chewing everything and i saw a kitty at the beach the other day... and even though i try to be all nice she went and swiped at me and hissed.... but i think my mom was proud cuz i didn't whine or growl a lot. hope that you get your mommy & daddy time soon :) simba potts